Monday, November 10, 2008

January 2005 Happy New Year

Happy New Year. Did you know that Pope John Paul II has announced that 2005 is to be the Year of the Eucharist? I challenge you to find out more about the Eucharist this year. I encourage you to discover what does the word EUCHARIST mean to you? One of the best ways to refresh your cathecism is to help sponsor someone through RCIA (kind of like adult CCD classes only BETTER...there is a link on my site about RCIA which describes the process a lot clearer then I can ever attempt to)
Anyway...back to the greeting :)
Hope all who are reading this had a very Blessed Christmas. As with all of the world, our hearts are saddened by the terrible devastation of the tsunami and the continuing destruction it leaves behind.
We continue to pray with the knowledge that prayer is heard and that prayer is POWERFUL.
Thank you for each and every one of you who has taken the time out these last few months to either drop a private email or to write a nice guestbook message. These messages really help to keep me motivated to continue the website on the many days when I physically am not feeling up to doing much but whenever I start to work on the website I start to feel a bit better. I haven't been writing as many "updates" as my brain hasn't been working as well so I am really hesitant to try to write anything as I am VERY critical of ANYTHING I write. I try to just "let GO and Let God" and that normally will work. LOL! So, if you don't like what I have to will need to have a talk with my superior....
Ah, well, one has to laugh, right. Again, keep the emails coming. I really enjoy to hear the things that inspire and encourage YOU!! If you have a favorite St. Therese saying or a favorite prayer, SHARE it. If you have a story about converting to Catholicism, SHARE it. You may just be able to help inspire another person out there. Just one person inspiring and helping one other person. That is what life and love is all about.
Well, I should end for now. today at someone you don't know...hold the door open for someone who may need some help (I always appreciate that!!!) and treat everyone with the love and kindness that you would want others to extend to those YOU love.
Until next time,
Gentle hugs,


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